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Non-NFA Transfer Information

Max Tactical Firearms, LLC offers efficient and convenient FFL transfers for our customers. However, we encourage you to check with us before shipping a firearm to us for transfer as we can typically offer a very competitive price, world-class support, and avoid any non-NFA transfer fees by buying direct!

Transfer Fees:

$35 Per serial number for non-NFA firearms
$25 Per serial number for non-NFA firearms with valid AZ Concealed Weapons Permit (CCW)

Transfer Process:

We require a signed/dated copy of the transfer dealer’s FFL before shipment. We receive and process many boxes every day. As transfers are processed and ready for pickup, we text or email each customer to set an appointment. Please do not arrive until you have been contacted by us and an appointment has been scheduled. Remember to bring your valid driver’s license. If your address on your driver’s license is not current, please bring government-issued proof of your current residential address. Please see our Guide To Documentation for Firearm Transfers for more information. Licensee copies and License requests can be sent to support.

NFA Transfer Information

In addition to being a dealer in non-NFA firearms, Max Tactical Firearms, LLC holds Class 3 SOT status. SOT stands for Special Occupational Tax, and just means that we can engage in the dealing and transferring of NFA items. NFA items, also known as National Firearms Act items, include fully automatic weapons, short-barrel rifles and shotguns, suppressor/silencers, and a selection of firearms that are classified under Any Other Weapon (AOW). AOW is a catch- all category for other regulated weapons. AOWs include unusual firearms disguised as other objects, such as pen guns, cane guns, certain special handguns, etc.

We can help you start the process of purchasing and transferring any NFA item.

Transfer Fees:

For each serialized NFA item that you purchase from and choose to pick up from Max Tactical Firearms, LLC there is a $35 in-person transfer fee. In addition to our fee, there is ONE of the following Tax Stamp fees required to be submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE).

  • If you purchase a NFA item, there is a one-time Tax Stamp fee of $200 that will be paid to BATFE
  • If you purchase an AOW item, there is a one-time Tax Stamp fee of $5.00 that will be paid to BATFE

If you choose to do an NFA transfer by purchasing a firearm, from an outside vendor, that will be sent to Max Tactical Firearms, LLC for pickup, the transfer fee is $55, in addition to one of the applicable Tax Stamp fees listed above.

An NFA tax stamp is valid for the life of the item it is assigned to. There is currently no predetermined expiration date for an NFA tax stamp.

Transfer Process:

NFA forms are filed electronically to reduce processing time. E-forms require an electronic fingerprint file (EFT) and photo downloaded to a USB drive before initiating your application session with us. Further, BATFE requires two (2) paper fingerprints (FD-245 card) to be mailed after your electronic application session is completed with us. The benefit of having your EFT and photo on a USB drive is the convenience it provides for future electronic applications.

While we don’t have any affiliation or endorsements with any fingerprinting agencies, our customers have provided us with testimonials using Arizona Livescan services. Please be sure to call ahead (602-246-3444) and verify the location(s) that provide EFT and photo download on USB drive, as well as their fees and hours of operation. Remember to also obtain two (2) paper fingerprint cards.

Contact us to set up a NFA transfer appointment.

Remember to bring your valid driver’s license. If your address on your driver’s license is not current, please bring government-issued proof of your current residential address. Please see our Guide To Documentation for Firearm Transfers for more information.

At your appointment we will initiate and file your NFA electronic form. The process will require us to upload your fingerprints and photo from your USB. BATFE will collect the tax stamp fee during this session, which will require your debit or credit card before signing and submitting your electronic application.

The average processing times of electronically filed NFA applications vary. Statistical information on average processing times can be viewed here.

After your application is approved, we will contact you to schedule an appointment to finalize the transfer of your NFA item. You will be required to complete ATF Form 4473 as the last step before taking possession.
